Every healthy organization needs good leadership and structure.
Our church is organized around our mission statement:
“Building a community of faith that celebrates, nurtures, and serves in the love of Jesus Christ."
Here’s how our various ministry areas fit into that mission...
Building a community of faith
that celebrates
and serves in the love of Jesus Christ
The leaders of each of these areas of ministry for 2021 are as follows.
(Please contact the church office for information on how to reach any of our leaders.)
(937) 322-2527
[email protected]
Leadership Council
Ellen Stickney Lay Leadership Dan Walter, Suzanne Binz, Ryan Roosen, and Lisa Fultz Pastor Rev. Cynthia Atwater |
Children & Family Life
Pastor Cynthia Atwater Communications Lisa Fultz Congregational Care Sharon Crews Fellowship & Hospitality |
Bill Brougher Historian Dan Walter Membership Becky Bonerigo Missions Ann Bonar |
Staff/Parish Relations
Kathie Harbaugh Trustees Harold Crews United Women of Faith Cathy Tuckerman Worship Ryan Roosen |